Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Maintaining your Above Ground Pool Water
Above ground pools bring great fun and enjoyment for the whole family during the warm summer months. In order to maximize this enjoyment, it is important to care of and maintain your pool water and equipment properly. This includes sanitizing the water properly with swimming pool chemicals to eliminate bacteria build up, and keeping the pool water in proper balance.

Importance of Caring For Your Pool Water Chemistry

The chemistry of your pool water is one of the most important factors of overall pool care. Maintaining proper water chemistry takes care of both the swimmers and the pool itself. There are some basic pool water components that must be maintained and kept in proper balance.

Total dissolved solids (TDS) is the measure of the total amount of dissolved material in the water, which is influenced by factors such as the pH, chlorine, water hardness, alkalinity, debris, and so forth, which all increase its level. The following are some of the most influential factors of TDS:

Total Hardness - This component refers to the amount of calcium and magnesium found in the pool water. This hardness must stay within an acceptable range, which can be measured with proper testing. If total hardness is too high, it will cause the water to become cloudy. On the other hand, if the total hardness is too low, then corrosion on pool equipment will occur.

pH - The pH level deals with the level of acidity or alkalinity of the pool water, which is measured on a scale of 1 (extremely acidic) to 14 (extremely alkaline). The ideal, neutral pH level is at 7. If it is too high, the water will cause skin and eye irritation on the swimmers. If this level is too low, it can also cause irritation to swimmers in addition to corroding pool fixtures and equipment.

Total Alkalinity - This level measures the amount of alkaline material found in the pool water, which buffers the pool water against changes in the pH level. If the total alkalinity level is too low, corrosion of the pool's metal fixtures will occur. On the other hand, if the total alkalinity is too low, it can stain and weaken the pool's vinyl liner.

Stabilizer - Your pool water needs to be kept clean and sanitized to prevent bacteria and infectious microorganisms to keep the swimmers safe. Two of the more common sanitizers are chlorine and bromine. In order to extend the life of your chlorine, stabilizers must be added to the pool water.

Keeping your pool water in proper balance is one of the most important things you can do for pool maintenance. As you can see, keeping various factors in proper balance can help to maintain healthy pool water, and also help to maintain your pool's equipment to ensure a long life-span of the pool itself.

Sanitizing Your Pool Water

Sanitizing and keeping the pool water clean is a vital part of above ground swimming pool care. Two of the more common above ground swimming pool chemicals used to sanitize pool water include chlorine and bromine. These substances keep swimmers safe by preventing contraction of illnesses or infections within the water through the elimination of bacteria and harmful microorganisms.

Chlorine has been one of the most popular above ground swimming pool chemicals used to keep pool water clean and kill contaminants. However, many people also commonly use bromine to sanitize their pool water, which is also very effective in keeping the pool water clean by getting rid of microorganisms.

Regardless of the specific sanitizer used, it is vital that pool water is sanitized using either one of these chemicals to keep swimmers safe. Always keep a supply of above ground swimming pool chemicals on hand, along with water test strips.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Advantages to Buying an Above Ground Pool

Buying a pool is a large investment in your home and can be a difficult decision. With all the options available to you, making an informed choice can tiresome. With each type of pool, you have your advantages and disadvantages but it all comes down to what you really desire.

An above ground pool offers a few large advantages over in-ground pools. The most important of all starts with the money involved. Above ground pools cost one tenth of the price that an in-ground pool costs. In-ground pools can raise those already high property taxes because they are considered a permanent structure. The cost of maintaining an above ground pool is much less and is more flexible than one that is built into the ground.

Above ground pools are smaller and thus you have more space in your backyard for other things like a patio or a play area for children. They are generally easier to clean and maintain due to their size. In-ground pools require daily maintenance for obvious reasons. Every time you cut the grass or the wind is especially strong, your in-ground pool will be covered in plant matter and dirt. This requires extra tools to clean and maintain as well as your valuable time. Another disadvantage to owning an in-ground pool is the critter problem. More often than not you will find yourself rushing to save critters that fall in and can’t get out, and sometimes fishing them out when it’s too late. With an above ground pool, you don’t have to worry about grass or plant matter falling in for two reasons: The pool is too high to collect as much waste as an in-ground and you can easily slip a cover over your pool to protect it at night. You also won’t have to worry about critters getting trapped.

When purchasing an above ground pool, people want one that is the right size, built of quality materials and is attractive. There are many different styles and materials that you can choose from to customize your pool to suit your specific desires. In-ground pools are thought to be much desirable but they can negatively impact the resale of your home. When selling your house, you can miss out on potential buyers because they are forced to take on the extra costs of running and maintaining an in-ground pool.

Above ground pools are easy to install and can be removed whenever you feel it has run its course. In-ground pools are a major construction project. This means heavy machinery, your backyard being dug up, having to redo your landscaping, and dealing with worker crews until the construction is complete. You could spend an enormous amount of time just waiting to get your pool up and running.

Last but not least, there is the issue of safety. With small children running around, it is hard to keep a permanent eye on them around the pool. In-ground pools are easily accessible for children and they always seem to want to explore the deep end. Above ground pools require an adult’s assistance to get into, so you can control when your child is swimming. You can also remove the ladder when it is not in use.

Making the decision the purchase an above ground pool versus an in-ground pool can be a hard one, but once you see the benefits of above grounds, your decision might be that much easier to make. It certainly is an easier financial decision. Some parents want to be sure their kids are actually going to use the pool regularly. An above ground pool also makes a great starter pool when kids are young. Years later, if they prove to be dedicated swimmers, you can always switch to an in-ground pool, or even move your above-ground to a different location.