Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Treat Your Spa Water With Healthy Enzyme Treatments

Keeping Your Spa Water Clean

Lounging around and relaxing in your very own hot tub is the perfect way to end off a busy day. But nothing can take away that sense of serenity and relaxation more than being submersed in spa water that is cloudy and filled with dirt and bacteria. Such situations can occur if the water is not maintained or cared for properly, and the chemical levels are not regulated. Caring for your spa water involves treating it with the appropriate spa water care products that keep bacteria, body oils, debris and other contaminants out of the water in order for it to remain clean and clear. It can be a time consuming process and, often, a confusing one.

Treatment of Your Spa Water

There is an easier way than dumping in a lot of chemicals. One of the best ways to help maintain the clarity of your spa’s water is to add natural enzyme treatments to it. Enzymes are very safe for skin contact, leaving the skin soft and smooth. Using enzymes means the water requires less chlorine or bromine solutions – and requires them less often. Not only are enzymes safe for you and your family, but they’re also safe for the environment too. You can even backwash your spa water directly onto your lawn without worrying about it causing any damage.

Go the Natural and Safe Route

Going natural with your spa water care products will not only be safer for you and the environment, it will also be gentler on your spa’s shell and equipment. The materials and spa cover will all be less affected by the chemicals that are in the spa water, and will therefore last longer. Such added protection and gentle care will help you to save money in both the care and maintenance of your tub itself, but also on the amount you would spend on other chemical treatment products. Improper water maintenance can not only affect your skin and health, it can also be harsh on your spa equipment – causing clogs, flow problems and equipment breakdowns.

Shop from the Best

Water’s Choice has spent the last 17 years perfecting their natural enzyme treatment for spas and pools. They offer top quality products that are safe for your spa water at affordable prices. Water’s Choice is dedicated to quality customer service, and has shown a commitment to being a leader in their industry.

Go online at www.WatersChoice.com today to check out their spa water care products! They also offer water enzymes for pools, test kits and spa scents.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Above Ground Swimming Pool Tips

An above ground pool in your backyard can provide you and your loved ones with endless fun and sun during the warm months of the year. They are much less expensive than in-ground pools, and are much more easily and quickly installed. You can have an above ground pool up and running in no time, and start enjoying the pool water almost immediately. However, it's important to maintain the pool structure and the water in order to reap all the benefits of the pool for many years. Here are some above ground swimming pool tips to keep your pool and its water in top shape all summer long.

Pump and Filter Care

The pump and filter are extremely important for maintaining your above ground pool and the water in it. The filter is there to catch any debris and dirt, and the pump helps to push the water through the filter. In addition, the pump keeps the pool water circulating, which helps to minimize the build-up of bacteria and algae in the pool water. Having the pump and filter working for at least 8 to 12 hours a day is ideal for pool water maintenance.

Minimize Green Algae and Debris

Many pool owners will probably experience their pool turning 'green'. This is actually algae that have grown in the pool, usually due to areas where the water is not circulating very well. Keeping algae growth to a minimum is important to keep the pool water safe for swimmers. The waste that algae produce feeds bacteria, which can become a real problem. One of the more important above ground swimming pool tips to keep your pool from turning green is to brush the floors and walls of the pool, as well as vacuum the pool at least once a week. Doing so will also minimize the build up of dirt and debris in the water.

Keep the Pool Water Sanitized

Sanitizing your pool is vital to keeping bacteria and microorganisms from multiplying in the water, and thus making the pool occupants vulnerable to illness. Using a sanitizer is one of the most vital above ground swimming pool tips you can follow.

The more popular sanitizers include chlorine and bromine, though chlorine tends to be the most widely used. Chlorine dissolves slowly in the water to keep bacteria out and your pool water clean. They come in many forms, such as tablets or sticks. Regardless of the style you choose, chlorine sanitizer is essential to keeping your pool water healthy for swimmers.

Maintain the Pool Water's Chemistry

It is essential that you monitor your pool water's chemistry on a regular basis. Key factors that need to be tested include pH levels, sanitizer levels, total hardness, and stabilizer levels. If the levels are either too high or too low, your pool water will become susceptible to becoming cloudy, turning green, and a variety of other conditions that make the water unfit for swimming in.

Testing the levels can be done using a digital test strip reader, which makes testing and reading rather quick and simple. Testing at least twice a week will help you to maintain your water's chemistry levels.

Following these above ground swimming pool tips will help maintain your pool's structure and water so you and your family can enjoy your pool for years to come.