Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Using a Portable Hot Tub for Better Health

Relaxing in a hot tub is one of the best ways to unwind after a busy day at work, after a hard workout, or just when you have a few minutes for peace and tranquility. All it takes is a few minutes a day to start feeling better.
A portable hot tub is a great way to enjoy this type of relaxation, at a fraction of the cost of a standard hot tub. These portable hot tubs are super efficient, since they can be used both inside and outside, and are very easy to set up. The heat and massage elements that you get in a portable hot tub can do wonders for your mind and body. In addition to being able to sneak in a few minutes of serenity, these portable hot tubs can also provide you with a host of physical and mental health benefits.
Stress Relief and Sleep Benefits of Hot Tubs
The relaxation that hot tubs provide can lower stress levels. The soothing heat from the water, in addition to the feeling of being weightless, can reduce tension and give you a sense of calmness. Studies suggest that the increase in body temperature that a hot tub will induce can provide sleep benefits as well. Simply spending a few minutes in the hot tub before bed can off-set insomnia, and can help you get a good night’s rest.
Joint Pain Relief and Muscle Relaxation
Sitting in a hot tub provides a sense of weightlessness and buoyancy to the body. Such buoyancy takes the weight off the joints, and thus provides some degree of joint pain relief. Therapists and doctors actually recommend some patients who suffer from arthritis to submerge themselves in a hot tub for a few minutes a day to relieve pain and discomfort caused by the condition.
Muscles will also benefit from the weightlessness of being submerged under water. Any muscle pain or stiffness can be relieved to some degree by the warm water of a hot tub. The soothing jets also provide the muscles with a relaxing massage, which has therapeutic benefits to muscles and nerves.
Hydrotherapy in a hot tub can provide people with chronic syndromes, such as fibromyalgia, some relief as well. Conditions like fibromyalgia cause all-over body pain and fatigue, which can be alleviated to some extent with hydrotherapy from hot tubs. One can further increase this benefit by incorporating some light stretching while under water.
Circulation and Blood Pressure Improvements
Those who suffer from high blood pressure can improve their condition by using a portable hot tub. The heat from the hot tub water causes the blood vessels to vasodilate – or open up – which helps to lower blood pressure. In addition, circulation can also be improved due to the heat and the massage from the jets.
Type 2 Diabetes Symptom Relief
Believe it or not, those that suffer from type 2 diabetes can actually reduce their symptoms by spending a few minutes a day in a portable hot tub. Studies have shown that type 2 diabetes patients who participate in this type of hydrotherapy on a regular basis have been able to lower blood sugar, lose weight and improve sleep. It is important to note that these particular individuals should be cautious and aware of their body temperature, both while in the tub and when getting out. Since drops in blood sugar are not very obvious to these individuals while in hot water, getting out of the tub should be done slowly and gradually in case their blood sugar level is so low that they would be susceptible to passing out.
Enjoy the portable hot tub benefits, and get some wonderful mental and physical health benefits at the same time!

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