Monday, April 20, 2015

Keeping Your Hot Tub Water Clean

There are a lot of tasks involved in caring for your hot tub. However, one of the most commonly overlooked parts of the tub is the spa cartridge filter. Not changing them or cleaning them on a regular basis could prove to be a costly oversight, as well as have a negative effect on the cleanliness and health of your tub’s water.

Most spa cartridge filters are cylindrical shaped, pleated objects that are bound at the top and bottom by molded plastic. This seemingly insignificant part of the overall hot tub actually serves a very important purpose - it keeps the water clean and sanitary. It filters out all the dirt and debris that easily accumulates in the water, which makes it crucial to keeping it working properly at all times. Aside from a skimmer, these spa cartage filters act as the hot tub’s only mechanical way of keeping the tub’s water clean. All the water in the tub will pass through this filter a few times a day.

Without proper care and maintenance of these filters, less water will actually pass through on a daily basis, which will cause the water to become hazy and murky. This means that you will actually have to do more work to get the water back to its original clean state. With a poorly functioning filter, you will end up having to use more chemicals to get the water bacteria-free, and have to clean your water more often. A poorly functioning filter will also put more stress on the pumps and other spa equipment, causing them to fail earlier than necessary.

Having dirty water infringes on the overall enjoyment of your hot tub and can cause rashes, infections or other health concerns. For this reason, sticking to a regular routine to care for your cartridge filter and replacing regularly is absolutely essential. On average, filters start losing their effectiveness after a year, and should be replaced.

Essentially, the cleanliness of your spa water is really only as clean as the filter you use along with proper monitoring of chemicals. Buying and using a quality filter is key. Never operate a hot tub without the filter in place.

The other key is regular cleaning and maintenance. Depending on how often you use your spa, the filter should be removed and cleaned with a hose every 7-10 days. It is a good idea to deep clean the filter every 30-40 days by taking it out and letting it soak overnight in a bucket of water with a specially formulated filter cleaning solution.

Having a spare filter on hand makes this process much easier – since you can just pop in the replacement and take your time cleaning the used filter, allowing it to dry properly before you use it again.

If you are looking to fit a quality cartridge filter for your hot tub, Spa Filters Canada has everything you need. They have an expansive list of filters to fit any make and model of hot tub. They can easily help you find the right sized filter for your tub simply by providing them with the dimensions you need. Or else, simply provide them with the model number of the filter and they’ll match it!

Filters like the Pleatco brand come with built-in filtration fabric that helps to trap contaminants and debris before it’s able to fester in your water. This helps to drastically cut down the growth of bacteria in your tub’s water. Your water will be kept clean and clear, and free of harmful bacteria and unsightly algae that will compromise the enjoyment of your hot tub experience.

Spa Filters Canada supplies top quality filters and filter equivalents to Pleatco, Unicel, Filbur, Master Deluxe and other spa filter brands that are among the most popular filters sold in the country. Their popularity is well deserved - their filters work easily and efficiently to keep your tub’s water clean and sanitized.

Spa Filters Canada also gives their customers the best deal on name brand filters to help you save! Care for your water and your filter so you can enjoy endless days soaking up the bubbling waters of your spa!

Call or go online at today and get your tub fitted with one of their top quality spa cartridge filters Canada!

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